Dental Implants Cleaning Tips

Dental implants are the closest thing to natural teeth and they need a great daily hygiene routine just as much as real teeth do. They can still accumulate plaque and bacteria over time that could cause peri-implantitis (the implant form of gum disease) and bone loss.

Brushing and flossing dental implants is the best way to prevent this and keep them looking great! visit to learn more.

teeth care


Dental implants are becoming a popular choice for replacing missing teeth, and they look, feel, and function like natural teeth. They also have a lower risk of complications if they are properly cleaned and cared for. Unfortunately, people who have dental implants are at a greater risk for developing gum disease and implant failure if they don’t regularly clean their teeth and the surrounding area. This is because dental implants are not susceptible to tooth decay, but the surrounding tissue and gums still need to be kept clean of bacteria and food debris. Fortunately, there are simple ways to keep your new All on 4 dental implants and the gums around them healthy by following these prevention tips.

Brush your teeth regularly to remove any plaque and tartar that builds up. While there is no need to use a special toothbrush for your dental implants, it’s best to choose one that has soft bristles so you don’t damage the implant or the restoration. It’s recommended that you brush your dental implants at least twice per day using a gentle, non-abrasive toothpaste. It’s also a good idea to use an electric or sonic toothbrush as these tend to be more effective at removing plaque than manual brushes.

Floss daily to remove any food particles and bacteria from between your teeth and dental implants. This is especially important for those who have fixed bridges or All-on-4 dental implants, which can be harder to reach with a traditional floss. It’s also a good idea for those who have dental implants in the back of their mouth, as it can be challenging to get to hard-to-reach areas with a regular toothbrush.

If you have trouble reaching areas with a conventional floss, you can use a dental tape or a water flosser to help you clean those areas. Dental implants are prone to bacterial infections, and those infections can lead to loss of the implant or even bone loss around the dental implant site. Regular cleaning and flossing can reduce your risk of infection, and it can also extend the lifespan of your dental implants.

It is recommended that you purchase toothpaste that does not contain abrasive ingredients, such as baking soda or stain-removal agents, as these can wear away acrylic and remove the glaze from porcelain implants. Instead, you can look for toothpaste that is formulated specifically for dental implants or ask your dentist for recommendations on toothpaste products. You may also want to consider purchasing oral hygiene aids such as a floss threader or a proxy/proxa brush, which look like slender, enlarged plastic needles and can be used to weave floss under areas of the mouth that are difficult to reach with a regular toothbrush.


The good news is that dental implants can actually be quite easy to keep clean. After all, they resemble and function like natural teeth. Nevertheless, they are not immune to bacteria build-ups and other dental problems that can affect the gums and surrounding bones.

This is why dentists recommend that you brush and floss your dental implants regularly to remove plaque, food debris, and other contaminants that can cause inflammation or infection. Flossing your dental implants is just as important as flossing the rest of your mouth.

Fortunately, the process of flossing your dental implant is very similar to the way that you would floss your natural teeth. You will just need to use a few extra tools to effectively reach the spaces between your implants and the gum tissues beneath them.

The first thing that you will need to do is purchase a special floss threader, which looks like a regular piece of dental floss except that it has a small loop at one end and a flat edge at the other. This tool can easily thread 18 inches of floss through it, which will allow you to reach the nooks and crannies between your dental implants and gums.

Once you have the floss threader in hand, you will need to carefully guide it between your implants and gums. It is important that you don’t force it in too far, as this could damage the peri-implant seal. Instead, you should slowly work it between the two and be sure to clean all of the areas underneath your bridge or All-on-4.

When you are done, you should remove the floss and discard it. It is also a good idea to rinse your mouth with a warm, salt water solution twice a day to reduce the risk of infection and maintain a healthy oral environment.

Although it may seem like there is a lot to remember when it comes to cleaning your dental implants, this is really just a minor modification of your daily oral hygiene routine. If you are diligent with your cleanings and follow your dentist’s recommendations, then your dental implants should stay in great condition for a long time to come. You should also consult your dentist if you notice any pain or discomfort following the surgery. They can provide you with additional tips and tricks to make the cleaning process as stress-free as possible.